Thursday was a good day mainly because of one thing: MAIL. It really made me want to wag my tail.
I got a very sweet note from an old friend who was randomly thinking of me and cared to write to me... with her own hand and pen. Via snail mail. What a nice thing to do for me and really for anyone who could use a little pick me up. Thank you Amy O.!
I have always been awful with mail. I get it from my mother (yes, I am blaming her). Christmas cards is as far as I go. That must change, because if something so simple made my day, then I want to do it for someone else.
That day I also got a package (I know! lucky!) from a friend I haven't met but already love. You see, I joined this little package exchange group where we swap names and info and dear ole Amy sets us up in pairs to send each other a care package. I was reluctant to join at first because it implies a deadline, and I automatically think that I'll miss it, but I am so glad I did.
Saturday, Sofia received a note in the mail from her 2nd grade teacher, thanking her for the flowers she had given her the day before (the day before! regular mail must not be so snail-ish after all). Notes through the mail are now on my "top 5 ways to make your child feel special" list. I mean, nothing is stopping me from sending letters to my own girlies. I should, even though it would be faster to hand deliver them, there is something magical about opening that box and finding an envelope with your name hand written on it.
Mail is good for the soul. It connects people in such a different way than cyberspace does because in it's inconvenience it shows how much you care. I firmly believe it. I really do. Maybe next time you open your mailbox you will find a note from me, and it will make you want to wail "MAIL!".
What do you think about mail? what is your favorite thing to find in your box? I'm sure is not bills...
I love to find packages, with anything in them, and cards or letters to me. Except for my birthday, I never get either. Ho hum. I keep telling the boys if they want to get compliments they need to give them. Maybe I should also take a bit of my own advice...