Saturday, January 22, 2011

The End of Our Life as we Knew It.

Painfully aware of the fact that my last post was made in June 2010, I make this new one with a million thoughts in my head.
A few months ago I found myself in Kristi's living room talking about blogs. She told me how much she enjoys following the blogs of people she knows but that lately new posts had been scarce. Hearing the call to action, I felt brave and said: "I will make a new post on my blog just for you, Kristi". So... 4 months later, BAM! here it is. Do I deliver or what?!

Life at the Kenrick household, although still common, has changed quite a bit since that June post. I shall share with you what has been going on.

Things were going well, life has always been good to us. Money though, had us feeling pretty restricted. We did manage to go to California for a little vacation and because miracles do happen, I was able to go see my parents in Chile after a gas explosion in their house. But although we were staying out of trouble, things were tight.
Damon's job has been a blessing and a curse. A blessing because it is a job. A curse because is nothing more than that and it is not being thoroughly enjoyed. So we have been praying and looking for other, better opportunities.

To make the story short, I received a call in August offering me a job (very simple job) as an assistant in an Early Intervention class in Roy Elementary. Tori had been to that class a few years ago for speech therapy. I had interviewed with them last year with no success, but now they needed someone ASAP. I don't know how many people they called before me, the case is that they got to me and we jumped on it.
We worked a schedule that had me going Monday and Wednesday mornings from 7 to 12. Damon stayed home and went to work after I got back and stayed until about 9pm. It was working pretty well, although Monday and Wednesday became very long days.

In comes the next endeavor: Damon started his own business. The Children's Art Studio. We turned our play room into an art studio and got 8 students ages 8-11. For 8 Saturdays we had a 2 hour session with Damon teaching the kids really cool stuff. This was our trial run for what we hope will be something that will grow into something great. More on that in later posts.

In comes the next job: I had finished my training as a Spanish Medical Interpreter and in the fall I signed as an independent contractor with an agency. So now I interpret over the phone and on site whenever I get the chance. Our phone now rings ALL the time and the master bathroom is my "office". I lock our bedroom door and hide in the bathroom for great acoustics and a quiet phone call.

In comes the next job: This one is Damon's and it's in addition to his full- time one. He has been training to be a seminary teacher (looking for new opportunities). This training comes with no guarantees whatsoever. 2 weeks ago he was offered the chance to start his student teaching early at Ben Lomond High School.
This was completely unexpected since we were told that we wouldn't find out until the end of April if he would even be chosen to advance on to the student teaching stage. And I have to add here that Damon's boss has been extremely gracious and flexible with us.

So now, we each have 2 jobs and a small business and are running around a little crazy. One of my counselors in Primary (because I get to do that too!) watches Jo and also Tori after school on Monday and Wednesday, since Damon can't stay home those mornings any more. That alone is another story to be told later.

We started this new schedule last week, and to be honest, I was absolutely drained. All of this without having mentioned that I need to start going to the gym regularly, improve my scripture study, raise my 4 girlies (with the oldest one *this* close to going to Young Women) and do better with FHE. The house manages to stay messy and I am always behind with laundry.
So I prayed. I thanked God because he was providing the new opportunities we had been asking for. Only thing was, he provided them all at once. So, I said "I either need to be blessed with a lot more strength and stamina, or I need to recognize the non-essential and do away with it". My problem is that answers for me are hard to hear sometimes. I guess I will wait and see.
I think of women who do so much more and seem to be able to take on the world. Sometimes I feel ashamed to feel tired. I am a wimp. Yes siree. But everyone's lives and strengths are different. Maybe this will make me stronger. Maybe this will teach me that it is ok to let some things go.
How do you feel when you find yourself up to the ears in busy-ness? how do you cope? Please, do share.


  1. Well I do feel like a slug after reading that. What can I do to help? I have no advice but if you ever need someone to complain to, or eat chocolate with (cure-all) I'm your girl.

  2. love your blog! (I'm going to "stalk" you now as well) I think that sometimes we all feel overwhelmed but knowing you, I'm sure you're doing it all and great! (your blog will be fun for me to catch up on your family) Good luck with everything!

  3. A wise friend once told me to "pray, pray for peace". It works, though it certainly won't take away the busy-ness of life. It will; however, help you prioritize what's got to come first and then give you the strength to do it all.

    You really are an amazing person with so many wonderful qualities, that it's no wonder everyone needs you!

    One thing I've tried to do more frequently is to ask myself the question "Have I had a sprititual experience today"? I wrote it on my bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker. That way I can see it first thing every morning, and last thing before I go to bed. It helps me remember to be looking for those small and simple moments where I can feel His love for me. It also makes me account for my day and whether or not I had my priorites in the right place. Then the stress or worries of daily life seem to be a little easier to see with the right perspective. Sometimes that spiritual experience is the realization that the kids are actually sitting quietly together and not arguing over something silly. I'm sure you already notice all those little things, but I think when I pay closer attention to those moments in my own life, they become spiritual and help me cope. And I find my gratitude increases ten-fold!

    Anyway, just a thought. You really don't need my advice, since you're clearly superwoman over there! Of course, a vacation out my way could help with the craziness you are feeling!! :)
