I know Jesus Christ came to this earth because he had an indispensable role in the plan our Heavenly Father has for all of us. We could not return to our heavenly home without a savior. Jesus came to be such savior. But my testimony is deeply strengthened as I realize that not only did he come because it was necessary, or because it was his duty; he also came because he loves me. He loves all of us. He sacrificed his life so that each of us could have a chance at the blessings of an eternal happy life.
In The Book of Mormon, the prophet Nephi has an encounter with an angel of God who explains to him the meaning of a dream his father Lehi had seen. In the dream there is a tree that bears a fruit that's exceedingly sweet. To help Nephi understand the meaning of this fruit, the angel shows him one scene: the birth of Jesus Christ. The meaning of the fruit? the love of God.
To me, the angel shows Nephi this moment in history because there is no better example of the love God has for his children than the birth of his only begotten son. His son who came to earth to become a redeemer for all of us. He came for me.
Jesus Christ came for me. Not only that, he also led a life that is the perfect example of the way we need to live to achieve true happiness.
Even more, he paid for my mistakes so I could become clean again. Even more than that, not only did he suffer for my sins, he also suffered with me all my pains and sorrows that I have and will have to experience in this mortal life. This way, he understands my deepest feelings, even those I don't think I could explain.
In addition, after he died he was resurrected, making it possible for me to one day be resurrected too, have my spirit be reunited with my body.
His act of love has made it possible for me to have hope in a better world to come and while I am in this world, I can count with his loving guidance and care.
I love my Savior Jesus Christ. I will be eternally grateful to him for all he has done for me. As for now, all I can do is to strive to lead a life that follows the pattern set by his perfect example until I can one day meet his embrace and share his blessings with my family.
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