Serves me well. I should have written them down as soon as my brain lit up, considering that that doesn't happen very often anymore. Have I mentioned that my brain is fried?
Here are a few of the things that have happened lately that have made my common life a little lovelier:
1. The Humbles came over for dinner with all 6 of their children. They showed up in their bikes, bike trailers and bike carriers. I will have you all know that these are really cool people. Right Kristi? We had a great time and all the kids were perfect (if we ignore Jo's antics).
2. Sara's school choir had their concert on the 21st and it was awesome! They performed 3 songs and then they broke up into smaller groups that performed a song of their choice. The theme was "High School Musical". I could have thought of a hundred themes that were a hundred times better but I was supportive and helpful (yay for me). Sara and 5 of her friends put together a song with choreography and worked very hard with the help of cool mom Becky.
The final product was endearing although Sara had a coughing fit right as they were starting their song, her microphone fell and dangled noisily by her leg during the last half of the song, her friend's microphone pack fell to the floor so she had to drag it around, and they ended up not doing half the moves they had practiced. After all that, they were happy and satisfied with they had accomplished.
I find it admirable that these 5th graders stuck to it and did what they had set out to do. I love those kids and this will be a forever memory.
3. The 23rd I got to help with a benefit spaghetti dinner held at the school for one of the teachers who is battling breast cancer. Mrs. Franks was Sofia's wonderful first grade teacher. That night I helped dish salad and breadsticks for the 500 people in attendance and then witnessed their generosity during the live and silent auctions. I love a good community moment, and that was one of the best ones I've seen in a long time.
4. The next day (Saturday morning) the Relief Society of our ward went to visit our elderly sisters that live in the nursing home close by. We sang "As Sisters in Zion" together , Capree played a beautiful arrangement of "I Know that my Redeemer Lives" on the piano, and then we painted their nails. It was a lovely, beautiful, peaceful and happy moment. Desere't played the piano while we chatted with our new friends. Doree gave them some of her delicious homemade cookies. I wish more ladies from our ward had come because it was truly a sight to see. I should have taken pictures but I forgot my camera. No surprise there.
5. Spent the rest of the weekend nursing 4 little girls who have fallen very ill with fevers and coughs. I really, really, really hope they get well soon because I feel very tired and having sick girls at home makes me lonely. Don't ask me why. Besides, I am leaving on Wednesday evening to go to BYU's Women's Conference.
I can't wait!
6. And my Damon will be so proud of me for having worked out these links all by myself!
Sara in a dramatic "I feel unwell" pose.
No picture of little miss Jo. I can't upload it for some reason. I'll try to add it later.
She has been a handful to say the least. Thank goodness for those maratonic naps she's been taking.
I hope the girls all feel better soon. It was so fun to chat with them them yesterday. Oh, and have fun at women's conference!
ReplyDeleteSo I have to comment here right? First the pizza was awesome, second sorry the girls are feeling rotten, that's hard on EVERYONE, third, I'm jealous about women's conference. Have Fun!
ReplyDeleteI had planned on bringing up Women's Conference that night and completely forgot (refer to the fried brain comment above).
You could still sign up, promise, even if it's just for a day. Tiffany is coming too and we can sneak you into the room no sweat if you want to come both days. Come on, you know you want to come!
I hope your girls get well soon! At least they all have it at once, which hopefully means it will pass through quickly and be done with instead of dragging on and on.
ReplyDeleteHave fun at Women's Conference! You're always so good about going to those! Wish I were closer and could tag along! :(