Saturday, April 16, 2011

About Unemployment and Other Happenings

January 22nd was my last post. Fast forward a few weeks and the picture I described on that post has changed substantially .
In a nutshell, after a lot of consideration and prayer I told my boss at Early Intervention that for sanity's sake I wouldn't be able to work any more (I would finish out February). I hesitated for several days but once I said it I felt so relieved and happy.
Two weeks after that, Damon got laid off from Iomega. From the job that had been both a blessing and a curse. We weren't shocked. After all, his boss was being so flexible with Damon's student teaching, we figured something was up. The timing however, seemed less than ideal. Why had I felt inspired to quit my job just a couple of weeks prior? That, we don't really know, but I like being available whenever Damon needs to go somewhere or needs a quiet room for an interview.
So from 5 jobs, we are down to 2. Damon is still student teaching at Ben Lomond Seminary for a few hours a week and I am still interpreting. Our art studio project will have to wait for now.
We are receiving severance through June, so ideally, we will have a job and plans for the next few years by then. As for now, we are in limbo. Most days are good, some not so much. But mostly, I am excited for change.
All in all, Damon has had several second interviews and we are hoping and praying for good opportunities.

The Kenrick household is still full of love and fun. We celebrated all 3 of our March birthdays. The most exciting one being Sara's, who turned 12. She is enjoying Young Women and yesterday she had her first official babysitting job. WOW. Where has time gone. I am so proud of my Sara girl, she is quite amazing.

(Sara's first day of Young Women)

Our girlies are growing by the minute, and are keeping us so so busy and tired. But my goodness, they have such a unique way of bringing all the fun to our home.

(Sara, Sofia and Victoria after their latest play "Isabella and Tinka")

Tori played Isabella, a little girl who had recently moved to a new town and was having a hard time making new friends. Mom (Sara), in an attempt to ease the transition, got Isabella a puppy she named Tinka (Sofia). This puppy turned out to have amazing dancing skills, making the kids in the neighborhood notice and love the new pet and ultimately the lovely Isabella. 2 thumbs up!

(JoJo as herself)